Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was sleeping with this group of loudmouths.
They were all visiting Alison at her home in Scarberia,
Cosima, Delphine, Sarah, Felix, and Kyra
The children were shuffled to sleep in their bed,
But the adults kept them awake with "Oi"s and "Holy Watershed!"
With Cosima sitting on Delphine and Sarah wrestling with Felix,
Alison tried to keep the order, but kept spilling her drink mix.
Muting an unpleasant cough, Cosima rushed to the washroom,
Sarah knocked over a vase, Felix washed back a mushroom.
Delphine ignored a call from one Dr. Albous Leekie,
Cosima whispered in her ear, something sexy, something cheeky.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Alison reached for her sidearm to investigate what was the matter.
Away to the window Sarah flew like a flash,
Tore open the doors as Felix hid his drug stash.
When what to their wondering eyes should appear,
Mrs. S holding bags full of presents and cheer.
"Now Sarah, now Felix, Alison, Cosima and Delphine.
Help me put out these presents before we've been seen."
Working together like elves, they piled up the presents.
They cleaned up their mess and hid the anti-depressants.
With one final nod, Mrs S gave her approval,
To the presents and cleanliness,and the quiet drug removal.
"Now off to your beds." She spoke and turned off the light.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."